Here is our website for our group Please come join us if you love to paint and love the Lord!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What Medium Do You Like??

What your medium favorite???

You look around and there are so much art to pick from, it sometimes boggles the mind!
We have the most amazing artists in our DAWG Art team, and they are all so diverse!  From all ends of the art fields,  most artists like one type of medium to stick with.  Well that is a slightly different thing with me, I want to try new things all the time!  So I get bored with things very easily and therefore I like to move around, and yes I will come back to mediums now and again.  That probably makes it harder for me to sell items, but that is just my personality I guess.
Penquin Mermaid

 I have loved trying new crafts all my life!  It started when I was very young, so it isn't anything new with me!!  I started painted when I was about 12 with seascapes and landscapes.  I  thought I would share a few of my different mediums with you here and I would like to hear from you about your "favorite medium or mediums LOL". 

All these items are on Sale on Etsy,  I love to do so many things I hope you enjoy them, Let me know what you like to do too!! :)


Marlene said...

I'm like you Lisa, I like trying all kinds of new things - It would be easier to stick with one but that gets boring. I do keep coming back to watercolor however.

jywheeler said...

I like colored pencil and watercolor's best.

Lee Pierce said...

I play with ink and acrylic and colored pencil but really love watercolor :D