When I went to Italy in 2008 I used my sketch journal obviously to sketch but also to record things that were said to me or just little snippets of something like a sound or my impression of a situation or place. Mind you, my sketch travel journal is not meant for works of art...it's just meant to be quick sketches to record my memories. Most of the time I just have a couple of minutes to put something on paper before I'm moving long to some other place. It's hard to see the image on this page but on the left is the view from our room Beneath it, it says, "coo coo"...the sounds of the birds outside our window. There is an arrow pointing to St. Francis Bascillica. On the right is the date 3/29/08 and under the sketch is written Assisi Center Square Fountain.
I like also to verbally record impressions in my journals. Like when I first went to Rome. I have a note beside a drawing "on the street: oranges, lemons, gas stations on the curb, recycling bins, trash, cafes, banco mat, palm trees, scooters, tiny cars, no speed limits." Or when I went to St. Peter's early in the morning for Mass in the crypt. I wrote: "Sense of God's prescense overwhelming emotions at visiting JPII grave. How quiet in the early morning."
So pick up a sketch journal at the store or if you have a spare small sketch book, take it with you on your next outting or keep it handy to do a sketch a day. It's great fun.~~Joann Y Wheeler, http://jywheeler.etsy.com/
Great post, I do not have a journal yet but do have good intentions of getting one.
Trouble with me, I would lose it. :) Seth has one, he hasn't used it in awhile though. Need to encourage him to get back at it.
Great idea Joann!
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